Ganesha- Dark Grey Vintage Wool Medium Brimmed Fedora Hat
An intricate sketch of Ganesha the Hindu Elephant God who is known to be the remover of obstacles is hand- burned into the side of the crown of the hat. A black fringed velvet hand band wraps the hat. at the side is a genuine rudraksha seed- a sacred hindu seed. Legend has it that these beads originated from the tears of Lord Shiva, and thus, wearing them is believed to connect the wearer with divine energy. below the rudraksah seed is a black silk and brass tassel mimicking a mala necklace.
Item will be shipped in 3-5 business days
An intricate sketch of Ganesha the Hindu Elephant God who is known to be the remover of obstacles is hand- burned into the side of the crown of the hat. A black fringed velvet hand band wraps the hat. at the side is a genuine rudraksha seed- a sacred hindu seed. Legend has it that these beads originated from the tears of Lord Shiva, and thus, wearing them is believed to connect the wearer with divine energy. below the rudraksah seed is a black silk and brass tassel mimicking a mala necklace.
100% wool handmade vintage hat was an original of the Cambridge Collection by Schuman & Sullivan a Connecticut based haberdashery. Made in the usa -size large. Each hat comes with an adhesive hat pad to help fit it to your head if that hat is too big.
Each Hat is a one-of-a-kind piece of art made by Williamsburg, MA artist Rebecca Piermarini. Using mixed skills of painting, pyrography (wood burning to0l), torching, Stitching, beading, floral arrangements, and sometimes even felting these hats are transformed into a wearable piece of art. Visit her showroom at 3 East Main St, Williamsburg MA.
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